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Strengthening the Financial Management of DSS Schools


A.    EDB Circular No. 16/2012 on Delineation of Reserves and Reserve Ceiling for the Operating Reserve of Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) Schools
-Delineation between the operating reserve and the designated reserves
 DSS schools are required to allocate the balance of the accumulated surplus of schools as at the end of the 2011/12 school year into the operating reserve and the four designated reserves.
 Chart on delineation of reserves
-Ceiling of the Operating Reserve
 As from the 2013/14 school year, the ceiling on the operating reserve has been set at an amount equal to 100% of the annual total expenditure of the school of a school year. DSS schools with operating reserve (excluding the grandfathered amount) exceeding the reserve ceiling will be asked to indicate their option to handle the surplus in excess of the reserve ceiling.
-Transfer of Annual School Fee Income to Reserve for Construction, Maintenance and Upgrading of Above-standard Facilities
Maintenance and Upgrading of Above-standard Facilities PDF


B.EDB Circular No. 17/2012 on Use of Government and Non-government Funds in Direct
 Subsidy Scheme (DSS) Schools
-Investment and Purchase of Properties 

Enhancing the Transparency of Schools' Financial Management

      As from the 2012/13 school year, DSS schools have started to report the financial information in a new template to be incorporated in their School Report under the School Development and Accountability Framework. They are required to upload the School Report onto their schools' website three months after the end of a school year, i.e. before end-November.